Your Dream Career Solution

We identify, develop, and promote talents to match their skills and strengths. Continuous training and coaching ensure they grow into high-quality professionals during their internship journey.

What We Do?

Start Your Journey with GOVOKASI now !

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Why Choose GOVOKASI?


Talent Development

Training programs designed to enhance individuals' skills to meet current industry demands.

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Career Coaching

Career guidance services to help participants choose the best career path, prepare for job interviews, and create an appealing resume.

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Internship Program

Internship opportunities providing hands-on experience at partner companies, allowing participants to gain real-world workplace skills.

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Job Placement Assistance

Supporting participants in finding job opportunities and facilitating job placements through a network of partner companies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What programs are available at GOVOKASi?

GOVOKASi opens up opportunities through project based internship programs, gotrainee, personal internships, group internship projects, and many more.

What are the requirements to be able to participate in the programs at GOVOKASi?

GOVOKASi opens opportunities for the 18-28 year old age category, especially students (undergraduates), fresh graduates, career switchers who focus on career development.

What are the benefits of participating in the GOVOKASi program?

GOVOKASi provides opportunities to develop CVs and talent portfolios, intensive coaching sessions, assistance in project work, paid internship opportunities at our partner companies, and much more.

Are the programs at GOVOKASi carried out online or offline?

The current program is done online, and can be done from anywhere.

How much does it cost to participate in the programs at GOVOKASi?

GOVOKASi opens up opportunities for talents to develop, until now GOVOKASi provides scholarship fees (without having to pay) to talents who are committed to following the process at GOVOKASi.


From Data Analyst to Branding Specialist Seorang sarjana sains di bidang matematika yang sudah menapaki berbagai karir, mulai dari data analyst hingga business development, seringkali mendapatkan project-project dengan nilai yang besar, serta ditawarkan untuk masuk ke salah satu perusahaan besar, namun dengan komitmennya pada perusahaan, saat ini Erwin Haris dipercaya oleh perusahaan sebagai head of branding specialist.

Erwin Harris

Head of Branding Specialist

Bergelar magister pendidikan sejarah, Devy berhasil meraih karir impiannya sebagai social media specialist! Dari berkarir sebagai seorang guru sejarah dengan gelar magister, Devy memutuskan untuk switch career ke dunia digital marketing, khususnya sebagai social media specialist. Dalam waktu 7 hari join project based internship di govokasi, devy berhasil mendapatkan peluang karir sebagai social media specialist di company partner govokasi.

Natalia Devy

Social Media X KOL Specialist​

Dream Comes True, From Intern To Co-Founder! Berawal dari interns, dalam kurun waktu kurang dari 3 bulan Samuel diberikan peluang sebagai Co-Founder di tempat dia magang!

Samuel Tju

Start Up Co Founder

Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

Matt Brandon


Contact Us


Jl. Raya Belimbing No.88, Babakan Asem, Kec. Kosambi, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15212

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+62821 2599 7627

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